Select Publications
Articles and other publications that feature the work and research of CEPAR staff.
- Wang, Y., et al. (2022). Early warning of a COVID-19 surge on a university campus based on wastewater surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 at residence halls. Science of the Total Environment, 821, 153291.
- Nakajima Y. & Isakov A. (2022 ). Disaster management. in Cone, Brice, Delbridge, Myers (Eds.), Emergency medical services: Clinical practice and systems oversight. (3rd ed.). Wiley.
- Liu, C., Lopman, B., Guillou, A., Handel, A., Lash, T. L., Isakov A., & Jenness, S. (2021). A modeling study to inform screening and testing interventions for the control of SARS-CoV-2 on university campuses. Sci Rep, 11, 5900.
- Dang, A., Williams, B., Warsing, W., Noone, M., Isakov, A., Tan, D., & Liang, S. (2021, June). Air quality monitoring during high-level biocontainment ground transport: Observations from two operational exercises. Disaster Med Public Health Prep, 28, 1–8.
- Schrager, J. D., Schuler, K., Isakov, A., Wright, D., Yaffee, A., Jacobson, K., Parker, R., Goolsby, C. (2020, August 19). Development and usability testing of a web-based COVID-19 self-triage platform. West J Emerg Med, 21(5),1054–1058.
- Schrager, J., Isakov, A., Wright, D., & Yaffee, A. (2020, May 7). Getting the most out of self-triage websites: experiences with covid-19 and principles for the future. Health Affairs. DOI: 10.1377/hblog20200506.762591
- Isakov, A., Schrager, J., Yaffee, A., Wright, D., (2020, April 10). A new web tool can help you figure out if those symptoms might be COVID-19. Scientific American.
- Romero, C., Shartar, S., Carr, M. (2019) Pericardial tamponade after systemic alteplase in stroke and emergent reversal with tranexamic acid. Clinical Practice and Cases Emergency Medicine, 1, 55–58. doi:5811/cpcem.2019.10.44369
- Yaffee, A., Isakov, A., Wu, H. (2019, May). How can emergency departments better prepare for emerging infectious disease threats? A returned traveler with fever walks into triage. Journal of Emergency Medicine, 56(5), 568–570.
- Kumar, L., Isakov, A. (2018). Transportation of patients in a bioemergency. In Hewlett, Murthy (Eds.), Bioemergency planning: A guide for healthcare facilities. Springer International Publishing.
- ASPR TRACIE. (2017). EMS Infectious Disease Playbook.
- Davlantes, E., Shartar, S., Venero, J., Steck, A., Langston, A., & Kazzi, Z. N. (2017). Opportunity for collaboration between radiation injury treatment network centers and medical toxicology specialists. Southern Medical Journal, 110(8), 497–501. doi:10.14423/smj.0000000000000677
- Shartar, S. & Wood, L. (2016, April). Creating emergency department surge capacity and a pre-hospital distribution tool for managing mass casualty events. [Conference presentation]. Emergency Management Association of Georgia Annual Conference, Savannah, GA.
- Fairley, J., Kozarsky, P., Kraft, C., Guarner, J., Steinberg, J., Anderson, E., Jacob, J., Meloy, P., Gillespie, D., Espinoza, T., Isakov, A., Vanairsdale, S., Baker, E,, & Wu, H. (2016, Jan 3). Ebola or not: evaluating the ill traveler from Ebola-affected countries in West Africa. Open Forum Infectious Disease. 1, 1–7.
- Kumar, L., Shartar, S., Yancy, A., Isakov, A. (2016, January). An educational module for the development of core competencies in emergency medical response planning for mass gathering events. [Poster presentation]. National Association of EMS Physicians Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Altizer, A., Harris, S., & Shartar, S. (2015). 15 steps to building collaborative relationships. Campus Safety Magazine.
- Bogucki, S. & Isakov, A. (2015). Patients under investigation for Ebola virus disease in the United States: Hospital preparedness planning and alternate care facilities. Academic Emergency Medicine, 22(5), 600–604.
- Isakov, A. Disaster management. (2015). In Cone, Brice, Delbridge, Myers (Eds.), Emergency medical services: Clinical practice and systems oversight. (2nd ed). Wiley.
- Coignard-Biehler, H., Isakov, A., & Stephenson, J. (2015). Pre-hospital transportation in Western countries for Ebola patients, comparison of guidelines. Intensive Care Medicine, 41(8), 1472–1476.
- Isakov, A., Miles, W., Gibbs, S., Lowe, J., Jamison, A., & Swansiger, R. (2015). Transport and management of patients with confirmed Ebola virus disease. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 66(3), 297–305.
- Murphy, D. J., Rubinson, L., Blum, J., Isakov, A., Bhagwanjee, S., Cairns, C. B., Cobb, J. P., & Sevransky, J. (2015). On behalf of the United States Critical Illness and Injury Trials Group Program for Emergency Preparedness. Development of a core clinical dataset to characterize serious illness, injuries, and resource requirements for acute medical responses to public health emergencies. Critical Care Medicine, 43(11), 2403–2408.
- Isakov, A., O’Neal, P., Prescott, J., Stanley, J., Herrmann, J., & Dunlop, A. (2014). Academic-community partnerships for sustainable preparedness and response systems. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 9(2), 97–106.
- Isakov, A., Jamison, A., Miles, W., & Ribner. (2014, Dec 2). B. Safe management of patients with serious communicable diseases: recent experience with Ebola virus. Annals of Internal Medicine,161(11), 829–830.
- Dunlop, A., Logue, K, & Isakov, A. (2014). The engagement of academic institutions in community disaster response: A comparative analysis. Public Health Reports, 129 Suppl. 4, 87–95.
- Swansiger, R. G., Walters, W. A., Isakov, A. P., Gibbs, S. G., & Lowe, J. J. Biocontainment ground transport standard operating procedures. Office of Medical Services, Operational Medicine, US Department of State.
- Shartar, S. & Butkovich, H. (2013, March). using off-the-shelf collaboration software to create a crisis information management system. [Poster presentation]. Public Health Preparedness Summit, Atlanta, GA.
- Morris, G., Greenspan, A., Howell, K., Gargano, L., Mitchell, J., Jones, J., Potter, M., Isakov, A., Woods, C., & Hughes, J. (2012, March). Southeastern Center for Emerging Biologic Threats (SECEBT) inaugural tabletop exercise: Foodborne toxoplasmosis outbreak detected on college campuses. Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science, 10(1), 89–97.
- Evans, D., Shartar, S., & Gordan, J. (2012). The role of the nurse. In Local planning for terror and disaster: From bioterrorism to earthquakes, 61-70. John Wiley and Sons.
- Dunlop, A., Logue, K., Vaidyanathan, L., & Isakov, A. (2012, December 12). Facilitators and barriers for effective academic-community collaboration for disaster preparedness and response. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice.
- Dunlop, A., Logue, K., Beltran, G., & Isakov, A. (2011). The role of academic institutions in community disaster response since September 11, 2001. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 5, 1–9.
- Gargano, L. M., Gallagher, P. F., Freeman, A. S., Morris, J. G. Jr, Temporado Cookson, S., Greenwald, I., Lichtenberger, P., Milhous, W., Williams-Johnson, M., Wolfe, C., Isakov, A., Woods, C., & Hughes, J. (2011, November). Academic consortia: Untapped resources for preparedness, response, and recovery—examining the cholera outbreak in Haiti. Emerging Infectious Disease.
- Isakov, A., Shartar, S., & Heilpern, K. (2011, September). Disaster preparedness 10 years after 9/11: The experts weigh in. Emergency Medicine, 43(9).
- Magee, M., Isakov, A., Paradise, H., & Sullivan, P. (2011). Mobile phones and short message service texts to collect situational awareness data during simulated public health critical events. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 6(6), 379–386.
- Isakov, A., Shartar, S., & Heilpern, K. (2011). Ready or not: The state of EM’s preparedness. Emergency Medicine, 43(9),16.
- Sugerman, D., Nadeau, K., Lafond, K., Cameron, W., Soetebier, K., Jhung, M., Isakov, A., Greenwald, I., Neil, K., Schrag, S., & Fry, A. (2011). A survey of emergency department 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) surge preparedness–Atlanta, Georgia, July–October 2009. Clinical Infectious Disease, 52(suppl 1), S177–S182.
- Kellermann, A., Isakov, A., Parker, R., & Foldy, S. (2010, September). Web-based self-triage of influenza-like illness during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 56(3), 288–294.
- Buehler, J., Whitney, E., Smith, D., Prietula, M., Stanton, S., & Isakov, A. (2009). Case studies of the uses of syndromic surveillance. Biosecurity and bioterrorism: Biodefense strategy, practice, and science, 7(2), 165–177.
- Dunlop, A., Isakov, A., Compton, M., White, M., Nassery, H., Frank, E., & Glanz, K. (2007). Medical outreach following a remote disaster: Lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 2(3), 121–132.