Donations to EEMS
We are fortunate to have strong financial support from Emory University for basic operations, but our aspirations and ability to serve many others would benefit from your generous support to help address the following needs for our program.
With your donations to the Emory EMS Program, we have been able to purchase/fund the following:
- Three LIFEPACK 15's
- Provide financial aid to support EMT training for 10 students
- Six portable radios
- Five cradle point devices to provide robust internet capability for EMS vehicles
- ToughBook laptop computers
- EEMS 30-year anniversary celebration
- Send three cohorts of students to the National Collegiate EMS Foundation (NCEMSF) conference
- Host a cadaver lab for EMS personnel and students
- Additional training opportunities, such as Prehospital Trauma Life Support and EMS conferences and other programs
- Laptop computers