Sam Shartar
Sam Shartar is responsible for overseeing the University’s emergency preparedness programs. He serves as the Assistant Vice President for CEPAR, serves as the Emergency Management and Events Lead for Emory's Department of Emergency Medicine, Section for Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, and directs Emory's Threat Assessment Team.
His background in disaster management includes experience in crisis response and consequence management, all-hazard incident management team operations, field operations, disaster exercise design and implementation, EMS operations, biosafety transportation of patients with high consequence infections, special event management, and health care operations. Shartar serves on Georgia’s (GEMA) Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management Team with FEMA qualifications as an incident commander, operations section chief, and safety officer. Shartar is certified as a professional emergency manager (PCEM).
A Nationally Registered Paramedic (NRP) and a former EMS supervisor, he has an extensive background in prehospital care and EMS operations. He serves as the Vice Chair for the Regional Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council for Region 3. He also serves as the agency director for Emory EMS (EEMS).
He works with the National Emerging Special Pathogen Training and Education Center (NETEC) and serves on the Advisory Committee for the National Radiation Injury Treatment Network (RITN). He also serves as a subject matter expert with the Southern Regional Disaster Response System (SRDRS).
He is a Registered Nurse, has broad experience in emergency and critical care nursing, holds board certification as an emergency nurse (CEN), and is a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN). Shartar practices clinically as a registered nurse and paramedic.