Winter Weather

Weather-Related Campus Closure

  • Icy conditions may lead to utility failures or traffic delays. School closure decisions will be made by 5:30 a.m.
  • Call the weather closure hotline at 404-727-1234
  • Tune to your local radio and TV channel
  • Check the Emory homepagefor information on campus closure or delayed opening announcements.

Prepare your home

  • Have extra blankets, sleeping bags, and warm winter coats stored.
  • Make sure you have a cell phone with an emergency charging option (car, solar, hand crank, etc.) in case of a power failure.
  • People who depend on electricity to operate medical equipment should have alternate arrangements in place in case power is out for an extended period of time.
  • Plan to check on elderly/disabled relatives and neighbors.
  • Plan to bring pets inside.
  • Make an emergency kit that includes water, nonperishable foods, flashlights, extra batteries, and first aid supplies.

Prepare your vehicle

  • Fully winterize your vehicle
    • Have a mechanic check antifreeze, brakes, heater and defroster, tires, and windshield wipers to ensure they are in good shape.
    • Keep your gas tank at least half full at all times.
  • Keep an extra Ready kit in the trunk of your car. In addition to the basic essentials, consider adding a portable cell phone charger, ice scraper, extra blanket, sand for traction, and jumper cables.
  • Make sure you have a cell phone with an emergency charging option (car, solar, hand crank, etc.) in case of a power failure.